Giorno: <span>20 Febbraio 2019</span>

Free movement in EU between expectation and reality

The concept of free movement of persons in EU was established by the Treaty of Maastricht in 1992 and represents a central value of Union citizenship. It is based on the idea that every person living on the communitarian territory has an EU citizenship, which allows him/her to move and reside freely within …

The European Identity crisis: serious o just structural?

While the EU is preparing to celebrate its 60th anniversary since the Treaty of Rome in 1957, the European Commission has presented a white paper “on the future of Europe”. To make it worse, many authors and literates affirm that Europe is facing a serious identity crisis, whose origins can be found in the economic …

The European Populist Era – Nope, Populism is not over yet

As the XIX century is remembered for the establishment of masses parties, or the time when citizens actively entered into politics, while the XX century is classified as the “totalitarianism siècle”, or time of disruptive ideological clashes, in the same way our XXI century will pass to history as the …

The UK’s food and farming industry: a turning point between threats and opportunities

One year after Brexit, many are the issues discussed, such as EU citizens’ rights, freedom of movement, but we have barely heard about the effects on the British food system. It has remained out of radar, but it should be considered alongside the other topics, because its under-consideration could lead to …

70th Marshall Plan Anniversary – legacy and prospects

The 70th Anniversary of the Marshall Plan fell early last month (5th June 2017). The event marks the speech of the Secretary of State George Marshall during Harvard graduation ceremony the 5th June 1947. This speech and the European Recovery Program born after it, made history for its multiple meanings and consequences. Transatlantic …

Europe needs a new Europeanism

After seventy years from the Treaty of Rome, European project is still based on its original cornerstones: peace, security, prosperity and identity. Unfortunately, the current European situation, worsened by its crisis (economical, humanitarian, social, ideological), seems to jeopardize the Europeanism concept, and consequently the achievement of the EU’s objectives. To return on …