77th in the rank for the Freedom of Press
In the now in Italy another can of worms is unearthed … and again the LAW is trampled in dust in the name of subversion schemed by inner powers of the “republic”. Views: 94
In the now in Italy another can of worms is unearthed … and again the LAW is trampled in dust in the name of subversion schemed by inner powers of the “republic”. Views: 94
The profoundness of the last words of San Francesco are clearly mirroring the purpose of the human existence in this planet and it makes clear a grid of interweaving among the forces ruling the nature which has to be driving force of Science and Knowledge. Views: 98
This photo below provoked to us a real aghast. We are profoundly daunted by the FACTS that the green tech of the recent past have ALL a miserable and expensive end of life. Our commitment as an NGO devoted to intelligence in high tech is to hinder and to denounce …
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