https://agriregionieuropa.univpm.it/it/content/article/31/29/il-dibattito-sul-greening-e-lagricoltura-italiana Views: 187
https://agriregionieuropa.univpm.it/it/content/article/31/29/il-dibattito-sul-greening-e-lagricoltura-italiana Views: 187
Fact and figures about the reasons of solar bragging … In our opinion soil is for food and houses and parks and manufacturing facilities, not for endless range of steel glasses and not easy-to-be-recycled installments producing peanuts of energy and causing another endless spread of batteries for which are needed …
SOURCE: https://ec.europa.eu/commfrontoffice/publicopinion/index.cfm/Survey/getSurveyDetail/yearFrom/2020/yearTo/2020/surveyKy/2262 To make you a real picture, the Meltwater analysis system probed all the social network activity and that’s the “PICTURE”. Money talks and never lies … Views: 492
An Italian economist and intellectual always busy and engaged in actions and solutions for the development of all the layers of Italian society and enterprises. https://euregionsweek2020-video.eu/video/euregionsweekuniversity-a-new-european-industrial-strategy-oriented-towards-citizens-and-the-territory Views: 507
Pls use the right click mouse to translate in your language https://www.ogginotizie.info/ogginotizie/lettera-di-una-maestra-rossella-ortolani-me-ne-vado-non-e-cosi-che-si-insegna/ Views: 149
The dead of the Italian manufacturing explained in 5 minutes reading. https://scenarieconomici.it/vi-racconto-come-stanno-ammazzando-il-made-in-italy/ Views: 476
Period: 01/2009-present – on the LIFE and after LIFE programme on Climate Change RACES: implication of climate change and environmental issues in the energy and agricultural sector in Europe with special attention in the Balcan Area. Period 01-2016/02-2019: on the Policy Legal Advice Centre PLAC II Technical and legal issues …
A turning point about Climate Change, Social troubles and crisis … Recently we wrapped together with PEPITEE the pillars of a project to bring the Climate Change question among the people, the workers and essentially the real actors of the Climate resilience, mitigation and adaptation, we mean every individual living …
There is no development and innovation without loans for families and SMeS, the condition of Italy is a third world country level in comparison to the other EU countries; competition is a empty word and cohesion is a gibberish for dements in such condition. SOURCEhttps://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/HH_LS@GDD/BEL/DNK/FRA/DEU/GRC/ITA/SWE/CHE/GBR/LUX/FIN/AUT/ESP/NOR/PRT Views: 1344