Autore: <span>webm</span>

Cooperation EurEthICS EU EXPERTS

Period: 01/2009-present – on the LIFE and after LIFE programme on Climate Change RACES: implication of climate change and environmental issues in the energy and agricultural sector in Europe with special attention in the Balcan Area. Period 01-2016/02-2019: on the Policy Legal Advice Centre PLAC II Technical and legal issues …


There is no development and innovation without loans for families and SMeS, the condition of Italy is a third world country level in comparison to the other EU countries; competition is a empty word and cohesion is a gibberish for dements in such condition. SOURCE Views: 1339

Money Talks and Never Lies – Double Feature

Here are two meaningful content about money, perception, arrogance, finance and scam based always on power without law and reserved only for the minority ruling the world. CONTENT ONE – from the Conference DARK HAVENS CONTENT TWO – from the from the Italian Parliament about the “decreto di Agosto 2020” …

The Best Weapon against totalitarianism: SCIENCE

Researchers at the University of Exeter and the Australian National University published a study that may help pinpoint new, untapped neodymium and dysprosium deposits.SOURCE: Views: 461