European Week of Sport in Brussels!

European Week of Sport in Brussels!

European Week of Sport, Brussels – 24-30 September 2017.

European Union Experts, in partnership with EurEthICS ETSIA ®, is glad to inform you that will be part of a series of events dedicated to Sports, in Brussels and in Italy (Tuscany). Additional information concerning the program of the events in Italy and on what is going to be organized in Belgium (at European Commission, in the European Parliament and at the House of Sports), could be found for free at this link: 2017_09_21_EWOS PROGRAMME EURETHICS ETSIA_Montecatini Bruxelles.compressed .

‘EurEthICSport for All’ is an event in compliance with EQF Recommendations 2017.

The main issue is to act together as an Academy defining training & certification for students and professionals on sports, culture and environment. EurEthICS ETSIA is a Registered with Certificate of Registration EUIPO nr. 016602526 (CErtification of Educational Services). Have a good read and do not hesitate to contact us! Best, EUE staff.

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