A EU-wide initiative took place – the European Week of Sport!

A EU-wide initiative took place – the European Week of Sport!

New initiative seeking sportsmen and women with a pioneer spirit!
Published OCT 2017

Last week was the European Week of Sport and the EP hosted a session on 27 September in the framework of this event, organised under the auspices of EurEThICS.

European Union Experts, in partnership with EurEthICS ETSIA ®, took part of a series of events dedicated to Sports, in Brussels and in Italy (Tuscany). Additional information on what has been organized in Belgium (at European Commission, in the European Parliament and at the House of Sports), could be reached at this link: article_standalone_pdf.compressed .  This workshop and discussion was the occasion for EurEThICS to display its work and aims.

‘EurEthICSport for All’ is an event in compliance with EQF Recommendations 2017.EurEthICS ETSIA is a Registered with Certificate of Registration EUIPO nr. 016602526 (Certification of Educational Services). The EQF is an extremely useful tool when it comes to establishing an equivalence or having a qualification officially recognised between EU Member States.However, the EQF is often used in order to reach mutual recognition of qualifications in the field of formal education (especially higher education), meaning that disciplines in which qualifications and/or experience is gained through informal education (sports for instance) are less likely to resort to the EQF – something EurEThICS is busy reversing.

EurEThICS’ goal is to see the House of Sport become a kind of certification centre for sports men and women wishing to see their qualification and achievements automatically recognised everywhere in the EU.

Long-term, the idea would ultimately be to deliver an “ID card” of sorts, which would give the carrier access to insurance coverage and similar services which are essential to regular sports practitioners.

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