Mr. Tommaso Busini, an experienced manager and young entrepreneur, has successfully completed a 5 months Erasmus Young Entrepreneur program at the Brussels office of European Union Experts. The program fostered the entrepreneurial spirit by facilitating exchange of knowledge, experience and networking between a manager who wants to start a new Public Affairs business in EU, and an experienced host entrepreneur in Belgium, by working alongside each other. The E.Y.E. programme aimed at guiding businesses on how to overcome market and business obstacles, so that they can make the most of the European Single Market. Mr. Busini gained new professional skills in how to run a company in the EU funding and Public Affairs sector, from a specialized and qualified organization based in Brussels, finding out useful tips and discovering how running a business works in reality in Belgium. This great experience gave him a further working international dimension and a wider range at professional level. He has deepened his professional knowledge in EU Funds, Public Affairs, Public Relations, Trainings and EU project management services (for public and for private sector), boosting his business development, client management and commercial skills. He learned a lot from his mentor, Mr. Enzo Reali, on project proposals design, on how to strengthen partnerships at EU level for new calls and grants.
Through this relevant transfer of know-how from European Union Experts, Mr. Busini learned “by doing” also how to create a proper network of customers in Public Affairs and Internationalization services and how to build new sustainable models and innovative financial plans. Mr. Busini daily got involved in different company activities and stressed his attention on business internationalization services, Public Affairs advisory, bids and European project proposals. He had the occasion to fully understand all the Project Cycle Management, starting from concrete cases and, then, he focused on EU projects, on the lobby and advocacy sector. This made his experience very dynamic and gave him the opportunity to participate in all phases of business management.
Mr. Busini experience, through the European Erasmus project for Young Entrepreneurs, has been extremely positive and remarkable. The environment in the office was friendly and professional and all colleagues were very helpful and supportive. For his professional profile, it has been a relevant upgrade to learn and work – within an organization focused on his same core activity – from a training “on-the-job” in Brussels: besides working and learning, he had the chance to discover a new business context. Being there, Mr. Busini liked the experience so much and the project he was doing was so interesting to him that he decided to extend his stay for another month. Everything proceeded with great enthusiasm and motivation, thanks to his professionalism and to the high level professionals met in Brussels at the host company.
Mr. Busini rated the overall experience, which went far beyond his professional expectations, as very positive for him, not only professionally but also from the personal point of view.
On the other hand, host entrepreneur has benefit from the fresh ideas of a younger manager and used his skills to develop company business. Program has allowed developing new commercial relations and finding out more about opportunities in another EU country.
Both parties have profited from their cooperation and had a more international perspective in their business by discovering trends and ways of operating in new markets, as well as developing future cooperation opportunities.
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