Mr. Donatelli, our Responsible for the Institutional Affairs, visited today the inauguration of the “Best Italian Exhibition Design” in Rome.
The exhibition is created by the Architecture Design Magazine “PLATFORM“.
It’s an occasion to vet the condition of awareness about the European resources and funding available and steerable for the Italian Design sector which historically was the arc stone in terms of innovation and pioneering of the Italian industrial endeavor of the 60ies.
The so called “miracolo Italiano” had in that sector a huge flag still floating on the sky of Italy and now all the big players are feeling that new things are coming to keep high that flag.
Dal Comunicato Stampa:
Il 10 ottobre 2019, presso la Casa dell’ARCHITETTURA di Roma, avrà luogo la presentazione ufficiale del Volume BEST ITALIAN EXHIBITION DESIGN, in concomitanza con l’inaugurazione della SPAM DreamCity; il primo festival di architettura di Roma ideato e condotto dall’Ordine degli Architetti di Roma e che si terrà nella Capitale dal 10 al 18 ottobre 2019.
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