“Personally I believe that is important to dedicate attention and resources
Enzo Reali
to the development of the people.
The human development has to be the center of the politics measures.
Happiness is a Right not a luxury.”
I’ve acquired such competences working for 15 years in the International Cooperation for NGO and as free lancer and also after 11 years as temporary Executive of the European Commission in Bruxelles and in various delegations.
Another task I work for is the curation of the network of the former executives of the European Commission (euexpert.eu) and to assist companies and institutions in the orientation of the European Programs, the ones decided directly by Bruxelles.
I personally consider as a germane factor to foster the little and micro enterprise. So then I develop a promotional activity of an Italian best practice called “RETI di IMPRESA” ( web of enterprises ) in Bruxelles and in Tuscany.
Across time I was president of CLENAD, it’s the network of all the Executives of the member states detached inside the European Institutions.
I was journalist at “il Sole 24 Ore” the main economic newspaper in Italy, I was writing the column about Italian Economy and Agriculture.
On the topic of agriculture I was investigative journalist and I’ve published a book “Federconsorzi between Market and Politics” published by Edizioni il Sole 24 Ore.
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