Tag: <span>Flavio Previtali</span>

Refugees and labour market: lessons and challenges for a future integration

Asylum applications in the European Union have surpassed 1.2 million in 2015, confirming that this is the biggest refugee crisis since the second world war and making the need for a more coordinated European response in all relevant policy areas immanent. Dozens of articles and research have been written upon …

Complementary currencies in the European Union: the state of art

Community currencies are economic, policy and social instruments that complement conventional money and address issues that are not commonly addressed by current monetary systems. Unlike internet-based cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, these so-called complementary or community currencies are often centred around a specific region or conviction. In recent years, the idea has spread all …

Threats and weaknesses of the Eastern partnership: towards a more pragmatic approach

When coming to the Eastern Partnership, the very first and not simple question that we have to ask is, what is it? As a very basic answer we could say that is the overall framework guiding relations between the EU and its six eastern partners (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine), but this is surely not enough. It …

The Role and Future of Social Enterprises in EU

The Role and Future of Social Enterprises in the European Union An entire segment of the economy is composed of entities that aim to increase social inclusion and reduce inequalities, while simultaneously creating economic value. It includes cooperatives, mutual societies, associations, foundations and social enterprises (independently of their legal form). While measuring …