European citizens working for the global development agenda

European citizens working for the global development agenda

Project Title: “European citizens working for the global development agenda”. Contract: DCI-NSA ED/2008 153-791. Official Project Title and Funding Agency Coordination of an Non State Actor’s project relating the Millennium Goals

March 2009 – August 2012

Location: Brussels – Bulgaria

Developed activities:

  • Project Management;
  • Establishment of stakeholders group: Teachers, Journalist, Local Authorities and Chamber of Commerce to discuss Millennium goals ad Agenda 21;
  • Organisation of training seminars and workshops;
  • Contribution to the establishment of the EUGAD information system web platform to be used by Local Authorities;
  • Establishment of an IT system for project monitoring;
  • Assisting Local Authorities and partnership associations to develop skills to contribute to policy design and policy formulation.

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