Categoria: <span>focus</span>


“Perdonatemi, ma io credo che la priorità adesso sia fermare la pandemia e cercare di salvare milioni di vite. Questo ha precedenza sulle carriere, sulla politica e anche sulla bellezza di un certo tipo di scienza. Perdonatemi, ma io credo che la scienza debba essere al servizio della comunità, specialmente nei momenti di …

The innovation performance of the EU and its regions is increasing

SOURCE According to this report Italy is among countries that did not have any industrial and scientific heritage.The Scoreboard is not taking care of the differences among the SMEs of northern Europe and the ones of the Southern Europe.The cultural context and the administrative context are completely different. The southern …

5G 6G … WHAT IF …

What if the 5G systems based in Microwaves could be shifted immediately towards the harmless Tera hertz Frequencies?The so called Spectrum GAP already vastly investigated.Tons of projects already demonstrated that is better than 5G, we invite you to search them. Where’s the truth in this arena where our body is …

Afrocalypse NOW! – the absurd side of H2020

There is something grotesque in some H2020 projects about technology: Open Innovation Platform for IoT-Big Data in Sub-Sahara Africa. It sounds like one line from the Colonel Kurtz in the movie “Apocalypse Now!” :– “We train young men to drop fire on people, but their commanders won’t allow to write …

Horizon Europe and A.I.

The song remains the same and the ANTI-DEMOCRATIC tunes of technology and of “some people” dwelling in the “tower” are now blatantly discovered.Tons of recommendation are published to hinder the dystopian tricks and scenarios using and abusing AI … but what EURACTIV is bravely revealing is something that, as consultants, …


Dal 3 al 6 novembre 2019 si è tenuta presso la Fiera di Rimini la manifestazione denominata ECOMONDO la Fiera di riferimento in Europa per l’innovazione industriale e tecnologica dell’economia circolare. Grande risultato ottenuto per questa edizione 2019 che ha visto la partecipazione di oltre 1300 espositori provenienti da oltre …